Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week Four

The course addresses some of my personal ideas and brought them to the forefront.      I am impressed with the course.    It tackles a wide range of topics related to ethics in education and my role as instructor to improve the quality of education. I realized that I can make a difference in my students life, make them have better professional and educational opportunities. I can have a role in improving the life of my students and make it better through the way I teach them and via raising their awareness. I felt that I really have to work harder, listen to them, and better prepare them through technology. I also faced myself that I do not do my best when I take a lot of classes in order to make money so I decided to take less classes in  order to improve the quality of my teaching, read more on education, and especially on EFL.

I believe one of the core ideas that bring self satisfaction is our sense of empowerment, that we are able to make a change within our very small sphere of influence and that this has a huge impact on the bigger picture. The course will allow me to do this.

The week was fruitful as usual. I did  a lot of readings. Writing and the Internet: Blogs and Ning Nteworks" was so helpful as it combined the writing process and triggered the idea of personalizing the learning, using technology and collaboration. The idea of  extending the learning behind the walls of the classroom and raises the confidence of the learners was great. It also reminded me of the processes of writing.
The article "Using Internet Based Children 's Literature" was edifying but the ideas are not that relevant in my case as I teach university level so they are not interested in reading such stories.
I explored website and I would give my students the link to do the exercjses on their own pace. I like site it is appealing and helpful. I did not like ESL independ study lab.


  1. Hi Rasha

    I agree with you about teaching is not a matter of quantity but quality. So although we teach lots of students but most of them do not acquire what we teach, it is futile. The real teachers always consider the goals of contemporary education.

    Yes, Blogs and Nings are very powerful social media to enhance the writing skills. I myself have started to introduce blogs to my students who now have their individual blogs at Blogger. How about you?


    1. I am also thinking about introducing blogs. Right now, students are at mid term vacation. Once they return I will introduce it to them.

  2. Hi Rasha

    I would like to salute your devotion in teaching. I also add to your concept of teacher's role as facilitator as well as instructor in the technology based class. To me Blogs and Nings are useful in the class too.

    Prodhan Mahbub
