Thursday, January 29, 2015

A UNESCO Research Paper

I read a UNESCO research paper dealing with the ethical and societal problems of using technology in education. Here is a summary and reflection of what I read. Hope you find it beneficial.
 The "Ethical, Psychological and Societal Problems of the Application of ICTs in Education" was so beneficent as it tackled a wide range of topics related to the use of technology in education. The papers included present and reflect on social, ethical and legal issues related to the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in education and its future. Technology really plays a role in education and the future role will increase. Still, as educator we have to put in mind some issues related to the use and kind of technologies we adopt in class and in education at large.

 Yuri Voronkov in his article, “State-of-the-Art in Ethical and Legal Aspects of ICT in Education” rose my attention to the problem of unequal access to ICT tools; the notion that ICT may carry cultural and moral values and the relevance that people using and adopting these technologies should be aware. Voronkov discussed intellectual property regarding computer software and net etiquette and how it is so difficult for educational institutions and teachers to know how to treat computer software and data. He also rose my attention to the professional responsibilities, standards and codes of conduct for computer professionals and educators using technology. In Egypt, not all people can afford buying a computer especially in Upper Egypt. Till today, internet access is a luxury. In Higher Technological Institute (the place I work there is no internet and many of my students have no access to the internet at home). Voronkov triggered the copyright of software and denoted that it should be acceptable to copy software for educational purposes. We already do that but I believe there should be a way to do that with permission of the creator.
Speaking about the professional responsibilities for computer professionals and educators I believe that many of them are doing their best. This is clear in the way many educational platforms are now open for free for anyone who wants to learn.  Some of these are really helpful and created for helping humanity at large like and and others are somehow money oriented like Allison. and cousera even give certificates and there is a trend to accept their certificates as the educational material is excellent and the criteria of giving certificates are high. Voronkov also drew my attention on the relevance of the preparation of the subject matter, preparation of the technology, and preparation of the student. I learned that I have to put the learning situation in mind and to make sure about the compatibility between content and computer technology. He also rose my attention to put in mind individual and collective modes of education even when using technology.  
Irna Alexeyeva’s “History of the Problem” article taught me  that computer technology is necessary to prepare students to live and work in the future and how computer literacy and skills are relevant. She stresses that our duty as educators is to teach students computer literacy and skills to empower our students prepare them for life. I already started this by giving my students a number of free resources that can teach them courses that will help them in their life career. Still, I have not taught them how to choose information and to decide the trustworthiness of resources.

Alexeyeva also triggered the accessibility, availability, and ease of use of ICT. In Egypt, many students do not have computers and the teachers and students are not familiar with interfaces. Unequal access especially differences in schools, differences between the industrialized and developing countries, differences between men and women access to technology, and involvement in computer education and employment is definitely clear in Egypt. Alexeyeva also discussed an idea I have to put in mind when using technology namely whether ICT is effective and the appropriate technologies to use and how to use these technologies. She highlighted some notions I have to put in mind as teacher using technology among which computer addiction, the adequacy of internet education, evaluation of technology and the role of the teacher to reach optimum results.
 “Information Technology and the Goals of Education: Making Nails for the Hammer”. We have to be careful and not adopt whatever is available, that it can be helpful in personalized learning and personalized goals" a match-a fit must be made between the goals of education and it, the same tools and materials cannot be used with all students, we have to put in mind the needs of students and their literacy, information selection, organization, ordering and evaluation
Philip Brey discusses how universities should promote awareness of ethical issues in information technology especially: digital plagiarism; illegal copying of copyrighted media; hacking; improper use of computer resources; harassment and hate speech; and, violation of privacy and confidentiality even in virtual educational programs and I agree with him as we Egyptians master digital plagiarism and really violate others privacy and confidentiality out of the idea of concern for others and collective mentality.


  1. Dear Rasha, thank you for sharing your reflection. I do appreciate this contribution because the needs to set beacons will get higher as the use of technology in education grows.

    Moreover, I agree that edX courses with their massive open online courses (MOOC) are doing great things making online courses available for everyone anywhere, unless one has access to the internet. Which, to a large extent, is the sine-qua-non for a successful vulgarization of using technology in teaching and learning.

    What could UNESCO do to help in making the internet available for schools throughout the world?

    It would be greater if you added the link to Yuri Voronkov' s article.

    Vital, Cote d'Ivoire.

  2. Dear Osman,

    Thank you for sharing your reflection here. I've come to realized that using technology in educational settings is not simple at all. Many issues have to be concerned. Thus, we should not only encourage students to make use from technology, but we also should show them how to properly and wisely use it.

