Sunday, January 25, 2015

Great Opportunties

Throughout the three weeks I learned a lot of new things that will improve the quality of my teaching and enforced the idea that I needed to join this scholarship  being a graduate of the Faculty of Arts and having minimal knowledge about education (In Egypt, t graduates of the faculty of arts work as teachers by default ).

So far, the course surpasses my expectations as every time theory is incorporated with practice, my wit is sharpened via reading my classmates' experiences and my scope widens via reading and watching videos on the topics we tackle.

On Going Process
Learning is an ongoing process. Even when we are done with formal schooling, we continue to learn throughout our lives. Coming up with a definition of what we mean by learning is not as simple as it seems. Learning is not pouring knowledge into people's heads. It is more like building a strong foundation. Learning may also include bringing groups of students together to form webs of connected ideas.
As teachers we should incorporate the learning theories in order to reach optimum results. That is why it is helpful to understand a variety of educational theories and learning frameworks that can support the design of a learning experience. n. The lectures made me understand that learning encompasses many aspects and it is an on-going process.
To me the five lectures assured the idea that Technology is the tool that we should use to help students understand faster, improve their skills, and get resources. Educational technology is a medium that helps us enhance the learning process and experiences. To do this we should learn the technology first and use it correctly. In addition, we need to analyze the learner’s needs. Then map out which activities they need to perform to meet the goal. Come up with scenarios to give them those experiences. Once a teacher has all of that, s/he could create the learning experience on paper. Once a teacher has his/her course nailed down then s/he can use technology or technique that will meet the needs of her/his learners. As a result, as a teacher, I have to learn how to use technology correctly.
As teachers we can play a role in the educational system, including educational practices by the way we teach and providing students with all the tools and opportunities necessary to develop their perspective of the world and making them acquire knowledge. We prepare them by coordinating, working in teams, gaining presentation skills and being able to express themselves via language and technology.
 This can be enhanced in the classroom and out the walls of the classroom via the use of technology. We also have to put in mind that effective use of educational technologies need to be designed and used on what we know about how our students learn, their needs and wants. Technology is also a way to engage learners, presenting material in multiple ways, and moving education beyond the walls of the classroom.
Technology can be the core bases for improvement of education in Egypt. Technology is also the solution for budgeting challenges as books can be put online or downloaded as pdf format so this will reduce cost and the inequality gap in education in terms accessibility to information. Technology can also be used enhancing students' learning abilities and developing an educational system based on play, socializing, interacting with the environment and each other, as a means of bridging the “gap” between everyday and school life. This can be done through creating a space for students to interact, speak up, and open up to the world as well as learn.

Work on my own
The introduction to many new theories and ideas really motivated me to learn more and this made me dedicate one hour daily to reading more on education, on Allison. com and watching videos on Utube. I also daily think about every decision I do as a teacher, I try to do things the new way rather than the way I am accustomed. 

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