Sunday, July 17, 2016

Students are not Empty Vessels

Whatever we teach, and however we teach, the instruction should be memorable (meaning students can recall the information). usable (students can use the information as a vital life skill), and durable (students can, even after a long period of time, still recall and use the information). 

Tips to enhance teaching and learning:
  • Use acronyms and other mnemonic devices. 
  • Allow students to speak up, to experiment.  
  • Ask questions, and relate new information to student's prior knowledge.
  • Clarify and elaborate when students do not understand. 
  • Make the lecture alive by creating conversation and telling stories.
  • Teach, model, question.
  • Employ visual aids
  • Put key information on the board, ask students questions and speak clearly.

Always give students room to speak up and remember they are not empty vessels.

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