Sunday, October 11, 2015

Different Ways of Learning and Teaching

  Many think that there is only one way to learn, one way  of doing things and most people tend to conform. Actually, this is not true. Yet, culture persists.

  Culture plays a role in the modes of learning. The family culture and the social culture. Cultures are different and they play a role in the  modes of learning. Besides,  each nation has a various needs. This definitely means that everything is taught in a different way.

As an individual, my mode of learning has changed over the years. As I child I can see that I was strongly liked the individual mode - reinforced by the culture of my family. But after, working and being introduced to group work and learning communities my current mode of learning strongly switched to both individual and collective.
Different cultures have varied thoughts so they play a way in teaching and lesson planning.The curriculum, the syllabus, and time constraints also could be the reason . Therefore, with digital learning, students could be encouraged to spend time on their own to acquire knowledge by using the internet for educational purposes.,T thereby, they would acquire and gain additional skills, building and developing supplementary material that enhances their learning further.

I am trying to do so this term. Yet, I face the problem that orienting the students to internet resources takes a lot of time. Still, it is worth it as they will learn a life skill namely playing a role in their education.

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