Monday, June 22, 2015

Studying English

In my studying the English language, I discovered that there were so many mysteries that cannot be mastered with the mind of logic. One must ascend to the wisdom of the heart for those secrets to reveal themselves. To me, it seems that the language is not one for yes/no answers; I could not find a definte logic of reasoning in the language. Every inquiry and response seems to carry a maybe/possibly/probably expression that is totally up the individual to choose what he wishes to believe and experience within his/her expression.
I think that having such an open choice of context in language allows one to be as polarized as they wish to be, or as integrated as they wish to be.

Language is communication, interaction and integration.

As a person, I am excellant at writing but avaerage or may be bad at speaking and presentation skills. I really want to help myself.

Still, knowing my weakness do not affect my teaking abilities, instead they are helping me improve as a teacher and as a person.

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