Friday, February 6, 2015

A Thought

Modern internet teleconferencing and social media platforms began to play a role in English language education in Egypt. Day after day, technology enhances the students' skills, facilitates education and helps educational institutes in delivery of information and enhancing students capabilities. Day after day technology opens new horizons for me and for my students.  Technology will really play a distinctive role in promoting English language education. Still, teachers need training, internet should be much more available and students need needs analysis in order to use the right material in the right way.

I think that we should think first of the English curriculum then the media of delivery or facilitation.Technology is a tool that can enhance teaching and learning. I think the major emphasis should be on the learning and then decide which tools enhance the learning experience. If a blog would make the learning experience more engaging for my students, then I will use a blog. If an online assessment will be more suitable for the situation, I will use it. It can also help visual, auditory and kinestic learners but the media chosen to simulate these three learning strategies will be different. Using technology in the classroom is not only for facilitating the English language learning, but for enhancing students educational, professional and social skills. 

Technology is just a tool or a facilitator, where we have to define and draw the line of the process of English language instruction. Peer learning and collaboration between students should be encouraged to make students to get inspired and motivated as well as master an international language. Technology is the tool that should help students understand, use, and master English faster. However, as a teacher I am looking a way to make using technology less risky and I take a lot of time teaching them net etiquette.

In Egypt, administrators and many teachers have vague idea of what they hope to get out of the technology. As if simply investing in computers and internet will result in educational magic. There should be measurable goals in mind for students and teachers. Teachers should be provided with training on how to use technology to engage, help, and empower students.

Some private institute do not invest at all in technology as they follow the notion of saving money in using minimum resources to teach the utmost number of students. Mine is one of them. This create a definite challenge for me. Some of of my students are digital natives, others have no idea about using technology and have no internet access, another challenge.
I believe Egyptian teachers aiming at integrating technology in their teaching must put in mind the affordability of the technology and the technological literacy of their students. It is not the tech/tool; it is how the teacher use it. The needs of learners and learning styles in regards to appropriate and effective usage of technology must be considered. That perspective of differentiation via technology, when applicable, is exactly what every educator should have when integrating some form of technology into a course.

Thank to educational technology, I imagine Egypt a place where every student, child, and adult has a thirst for knowledge, and each Egyptian has access to the best English lectures, books, tools, and resources that help them master the language. I also imagine teachers who focus on the concepts and skills to teach in a personalized manner. I believe that the future of English language teaching in Egypt is a future where students do not just get infinite resources but are taught how to utilize them and the English curriculum is chosen according to what interest the learner and English education is available to everyone. I believe the future of English language teaching system and practices providing students with all the tools and opportunities to master English language.

 My vision for the future of education is that students will be learning at early stages. They could learn at their homes no need to go to schools because of the availability of all educational sources at home. The means of learning will be English Language. I mean the people all over the world of non speaking English countries have to put priority to teaching English as a foreign language at an early age as English language is very important for the people use English to complete transitions in all types of business.

As a teacher, technology in my classroom is used to enhance what we already do in the classroom. Unfortunately, we are still in an age where we are required to assess and report based on government regulations and standards. This limits the curriculum that I can deliver and how I deliver it. While, I am excited by the prospect of technology and how it can be used in the classroom to enhance English language acquisition, I am apprehensive to say that the educational system decreases the benefits of digital learning as we have to present paper based exams, paper-based writing rather than digital exams or online writing. Still, I believe that the awareness of the importance of going digital and integrating technology in many places will make this resistance fade away in the coming decade, and the norm will be that assignments and assessment tacking the four skills of the English will  be done, presented, corrected and delivered online.

I see English language teaching in Egypt is still lagging behind in integrating the potential of tech. For sure, education in English language teaching in Egypt needs an overhaul that utilizes technology as the core for not only access but also for all steps in English language teaching and learning. I often wonder how different my own life would have been if I have not taken some online courses (MOOCs and this course) that help me professionally and helps my students to master English language.

I also find technology the solution for budgeting/logistical challenges facing English language education.  Egyptians can learn any subject and especially English via courses that integrate and rely on tech to reduce costs. I believe tech will be key in reducing the inequality gap in Language education in terms of both quality and accessibility. Technology is so helpful as it makes education easy, affordable, fun, stimulating, free of gender bias and highly personalized. My vision is simple: as education evolves and changes, the way we teach English and students learn in Egypt is changing thanks to technology and I believe the change is to the better.   


  1. I love the way you express and share yourself.
    I can see and feel how much you have been devoting and contributing yourself toward educational advancement for the benefits of your students.
    Always give you encouragement to make some changes for better:)

  2. I totally agree with you that ICT is a modern tool that helps enhance English language acquisition and reduce the inequality gap.
    Our online course is a perfect example that using the web in teaching is really effective. We are from all over the world with totally different backgrounds but we share the same objectives; and we don’t need anything else but a computer with Internet access and our personal engagement to reach the these objectives.
