Monday, October 15, 2018

Warm Language

Ken Bain discovered that one of the most powerful shared attributes of the best teachers, was the ability to use warm language. warm language is the ability to communicate from the inside out, to share ideas that excite and help students anticipate a future conclusion.

 Bain explained that being a good teacher is like telling a story. When you are explaining grammar, punctuation, vocabulary or any kind of principle, think about how to use warm language. When you present content, make sure you do so in a lively engaging manner. A way that draws students in, and makes them motivated to learn more. Clear explanations, warm language that invites students to problem solve with you, the use of story and metaphor. All of these techniques can help you to present language in a pleasing manor.

I am good at  giving instruction, recaping, and rephrasing. A skill I learned over the years is speaking warmly to students. Speaking warmly to students gives them hope, encourages them to work more, give  them energy and nerve to do more.

Speak warmly and nicely to increase rapport and encourage students to work more.

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