Thursday, May 4, 2017

Needs Analysis

 My selected course is EOP Computer Science .
StakeholderInformation needed Appropriate method of data collection
1.       Learners

Learners number
Learners name/ age/ level
 Learners  proficiency
What is your gender?
How proficient you are in English?
What skill (reading/ writing/ listening/ speaking) do you need to work on?
Diagnostic Test
2. Department Administration Name and Time to meet
Dear Dr. Ibrahim what do you think of the current curriculum of English 4 and English 5?
What language skill (reading, listening, writing and speaking do you think we should concentrate on? Why?
What are the most important things students should achieve during the course?
 Semi-structured Interview
3.        Teachers Name and Time to meet
What is your opinion about the course? 
What do you think should be added to the course?
What do you think should be dropped from this course?
Do you think students should play a role in designing the curriculum? To what percent?
 Open discussion
Semi-structured Interviews
Employers in the computer science filed (example: Software company Owners , IT Company Owers,  Data Base Computer Programming Companies)
What do think is insufficient in the courses taught? 
What language Skills needs to enforced: reading, writing, listening, or speaking and why?) 
5. Employees working the field of computer science example IT Specialists,  Network Designers, Programmers, Web designers, Data Base Designers.What language skill do you need most in your job? Why?
What topics  need to be added to the curriculum?


A. Stakeholder: Students in Computer Science Department
B. Stakeholder’s interest in this course: Computer Vocabulary and IT vocabulary
C. Sketch NA instrument: Questionnaire based on the questionnaire designed by Kay Westerfield 's  questionnaire published in the article"ESP: Effective Practices in Course and Materials Design ( 2015):
Here is the questionnaire with the adaptation additions are underlined:
Personal Information
1. Age:
2. Gender:
3. Please give details of previous English studies and/or extended visits in English-speaking
5. Do you use a computer regularly? ( ) Yes ( ) No
6. Do you have access to the Internet ( ) at home ( ) at work?
7.Do you use English in your studies?
How many hours a week are you likely to use English?
Whom do you need to speak English with?
( ) native-speakers of English from the U.S., U.K., etc.
( ) non-native speakers of English
( ) both?
4. In which tasks or situations do you use English? Why is English used?
. Which of the following skills do you use in each of the situations in #4 above? Explain.
6. Which English skills do you think will be most important in your job?
Reading ____ Writing ____ Listening ____ Speaking ____
7. Do you have difficulty using English at work? Name the specific job tasks from #4 above or others that you find difficult.
Would you like to work on these difficulties in the course? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Please explain why or why not.
Future Use of English
1. Will your future use of English at work be different from your current use at the institute?
( ) Yes ( ) No
2. If yes, please explain how it will be different.
3. What are the three most important things you would like to achieve or improve during this course?
4. What other reasons do you have for taking this course?
In addition, I will also make an online questionnaire.
Here is the link.
 Copy the link and put it on the search engine.

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